Monday, February 10, 2014

Foggy night and fun light! (Self Portraits)

Well, yesterday was a rough day. not to complain because honestly, any day can be a good day. Just gotta continue looking for the positive.. But I struggled with that yesterday, So what better way to get rid of negative emotions than to listen to my favorite music, and take some pictures?? I wanted to be alone.. so, self portraits it was!!! It was pretty late last night, and also SO cold! but taking pictures never fails to relax me and ease my mind. It allows me to be creative and express myself. The night was absolutely stunning, it had been raining all day and resulted in a heavy fog and my light source was a street lamp. I still have loads of room to improve my self portraits, but here are a couple starter ones. I think they expressed the way I felt pretty well. and with that I will stop typing this super long post/rant, and post some pictures!!!  

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